aaa? what did you say?

one fine day.
as i went to the GPK's room to send the keysssss of the budakmotors, alone, i heard something secara out of the blue. i heard this; 


and i was hang la beria. hang la gila. aku yang berkuasa. eh
time rehat pun sama. tak sangka pulak, tahap kepopularan i makin increasing and increasing and.......

210813 hari tu i went to a seminar STAM with the #6AbuHurairah. first of all, puan tu cite pasal katak yang pekak. that katak 
berjaya panjat ke puncak although kekatak lain sume dok rendah rendahkan ja.
sebabnya, katak itu pekak deaf. 
moral of the story? buat pekak ja. mudah, bukan?
dan hari tu jugak, ustaz A dok kasik nasihat pasal benda ni. ada benda yang kite
takpayah nak ambil kisah. biaq pi lah mereka.