pertembungan budaya.

tetiba rasa nak spill. tetiba je.
heh. tetiba yang sangat.

"do you know what is the difference between you and them?" 
THEY LET ME BE ME. and they accept me as who I am. 

i never meant to start a war. siyes.
but as i said before, i am a human. just a human.
ada hati. ada perasaan. ada rasa sedih. rasa gembira.
dan bila semua thought i'm a makhluk-yang-maksum-suci sepanjang masa, 
i'm tired. 
ye. benda ni remeh. just about minat. pada hang lah kan.
but for me, maaf. it touched my very own deep heart. 
maybe i'm the one who being soooo literally dramatic and sentimental but yeah again,
and being here without them, siyesly makes me like this. i've to be hipokrit. i've to be kepala-ferum-and-etc. i wanna protect myself. from all this nonsense stuff yang sakitkan hati sendiri.

aku bukan obses. bukan juga extra super fanatic. tapi ku akui, kadang terlepas jua dari limit. tapi masih, ku temu limit, prinsip dan batas diri. walau kadang tergelincir, tetap ku usaha ke landasan. masih aku kah yang bersalah?